North Yorkshire County Council
Business and Environmental Services - Executive Members & Corporate Director Meetings - Department
Friday, 23 July 2021 / 2.00 pm
1 |
Apologies for Absence
2 |
Declarations of Interest
3 |
Exclusion of the public from the meeting during consideration of item(s) # on the grounds that it/they each involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in the paragraph(s) # of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 as amended by the Local Government (Access to information)(Variation) Order 2006
Items for Corporate Director decision |
4 |
Transforming Cities Fund Progress Update (Pages 3 - 342)
Aidan Rayner |
5 |
Malham Village - Proposed Waiting Restrictions (Pages 343 - 360)
David Cairns |
6 |
Station Road, Crossgates – Proposal to make Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) Permanent (Pages 361 - 382)
Richard Marr |
7 |
Introduction of a Flood Risk Management reactive budget for minor works (Pages 383 - 394)
Emily Mellalieu |
8 |
Highways Capital Programme 2021-22 (Pages 395 - 406)
Allan McVeigh |
9 |
Review of Driven Inspections during Covid 19 (Pages 407 - 416)
Nigel Smith |
10 |
Opposed DMMO - Hackfall Woods, Grewelthorpe (Pages 417 - 422)
Penny Noake |
Items for Executive Member decision |
11 |
Active Travel Fund Tranche 3 (Pages 423 - 458)
Louise Neale |
Any Other Business |
12 |
Date of future formal meetings
Executive Members |
Officer attendees |
Presenting Officers |
Andrew Lee Don Mackenzie |
Karl Battersby Jane Connolly |
Aidan Rayner Louise Neale David Cairns Richard Marr Emily Mellalieu Allan McVeigh Nigel Smith |